Museum of the Rockies Travel Writer Writing Workshops

Fulfilling Childhood Dreams (At the Dinosaur Museum in Bozeman, MT)

Museum of the Rockies: Bozeman, MT

When I was a kid, my family and I took “yearly family vacation” ski trips out west. (Yep. A bunch of southerners on skis…I blame my parents’ Yankee friends).

Museum of the Rockies Travel Writer Writing Workshops

Somehow, though, we never went to the Museum of the Rockies in Bozeman. This past winter, I decided to rectify that oversight.

Museum of the Rockies = DINOSAURS

Think back to being a kid and being told dinosaurs existed. That’s right, animals bigger than cars used to roam the earth, pushing down trees, getting into HUGE dinosaur battles, and basically stomping anything in their way (see: The Land Before Time [Fun fact: that movie came out in 1988. Don’t you feel old?]).

What I’m saying is, kids love dinosaurs (I’m looking at you, little niece who has a million dinosaur figurines that I keep finding in my sofa cushions a year later), and I was no different. So, why M & D, why did you never take us to the Museum of the Rockies??

Fast forward a decade

Lucky for me, I procured a couple of tickets (M & D making up for their previous oversight), and I got to check it out with my friend Jackie from The Budget-Minded Traveler.

Museum of the Rockies Bozeman Montana Travel Writer Writing Workshops

I discovered something at the Museum of the Rockies this year: Dinosaurs are no less awe-inspiring to me as an adult than they were when I was a kid.

Staring up at these huge skeletons and individual bones, I felt small. I felt like the oversight. I also remembered why Jurassic Park was so daggum terrifying (Velociraptors).

Museum of the Rockies Bozeman Montana Travel Writer Writing Workshops
This is a rib bone. One of the *smaller* ones in the ribcage. It’s nine feet long.
Museum of the Rockies Bozeman Montana Travel Writer Writing Workshops
Sorry this is so blurry, but I had to share.
Museum of the Rockies Bozeman Montana Travel Writer Writing Workshops
Museum of the Rockies Bozeman Montana Travel Writer Writing Workshops
World’s most terrifying chicken.
Museum of the Rockies Bozeman Montana Travel Writer Writing Workshops
The museum had many life-size models of dinosaurs brought to life by artists. This one shows the skeleton on one side and what the dinosaur would have actually looked like on the other side. It’s also being attacked from behind (hard to tell in this photo).
Museum of the Rockies Bozeman Montana Travel Writer Writing Workshops
Originally, paleontologists thought this dinosaur was different from the Triceratops because of the holes in its crown. But now they speculate that this is the full-grown triceratops.
Museum of the Rockies Bozeman Montana Travel Writer Writing Workshops
This one looks like a giant bug to me.

Interactive Exhibits

At the Museum of the Rockies, you’ll find interactive technology that allows you to explore the dinosaur era and learn more about each species as well as where their skeletons were found. Even without participating in most of these, Jackie and I easily spent 1.5-2 hours in the museum. There’s also a kid’s play area, a museum store (of course), and some other historical exhibits on the American West and  Native American tribes.

The Museum is also home to the world’s largest T-Rex skull (that was sadly traveling elsewhere when we visited).

Have you visited any interesting exhibits lately? What did you like about them?

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