nice guys

An Imaginary House by the Sea

Review: An Imaginary House by the Sea

We support our fellow romance pioneers One of our lovely comrades over at The Page Girls (fight the good fight, girls), Cecily Gates, was kind enough to send me a copy of her debut novel, An Imaginary House by the Sea, the first of a series of novels set in Bridgeport. I have to say, […]

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Perils of Online Dating:

OK, so you’ve just broken up with your boyfriend. You’ve been shoveling Ben and Jerry’s down your throat for a month now, and you’ve watched Ever After a total of 18 times. It’s time to move on. Problem is, you’ve forgotten how to meet people. You have some vague memory of meeting your ex at a college party where you undoubtedly held a scintillating conversation/spilled beer on each other and concluded the night holding hands gazing out at a scenic lake/retention pond. At least, that’s how you remember it.