romance novels

An Imaginary House by the Sea

Review: An Imaginary House by the Sea

We support our fellow romance pioneers One of our lovely comrades over at The Page Girls (fight the good fight, girls), Cecily Gates, was kind enough to send me a copy of her debut novel, An Imaginary House by the Sea, the first of a series of novels set in Bridgeport. I have to say, […]


Review: Manazuru

Manazuru by Hiromi Kawakami, translated by Michael Emmerich In August, I went to see a few readings at the Edinburgh Book Festival. At the checkout counter (purchasing a book. Of course.) I struck up a conversation with the sales girl, Clare, and got to explaining the concept behind my MSc dissertation (the main character has […]

Review: Eleven Minutes

Why did I pick up this book? Last week, I found myself sprawled on the floor of my friend Liz’s London flat, perusing the books on her bookshelf. Our friendship, which goes back to grade 6, has revolved almost entirely around books. As I dragged a finger over the titles, I came across two books […]