writer’s block

Cat with Glasses

Empathy as a writing tool

That’s me, isn’t it? People who don’t write don’t get it. They often assume that the stories I write — the stories all writers write — are taken entirely from real life. That our characters are just people we’ve met transcribed to paper under the guise of another name and a different hair color. I’ve […]

Writing Exercise: Eliminating Words

Ok kiddos, it’s time for another writing exercise [cheering] This is a new one that I’ve only just come up with (like maybe just a minute ago), so I’m not sure how well it will work. Feel free to leave a comment and tell me it’s terrible. It’ll help build my thick writer’s skin. Yep. […]

Writing Exercise: Flexing your writing muscles

What do you think of when I say “Fanfic”? Neville Longbottom acting out stories about himself at the Fringe, perhaps? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtJAqSbzyKw No? Maybe you think of the ridiculous success that Fifty Shades of Grey turned into after starting as a humble fanfic for another surprising best-seller? What am I getting at here? Fanfic doesn’t have […]

Artificial Fiction Brain Reprogramming Creative Minds

What is with the rain?

If I don’t have another task to complete, I tend to hit refresh on Facebook until my eyes cross. It’s as if my brain were programmed with this as default: IF no tasks THEN refresh Facebook. The trick, I think, is setting tasks in my internal library.