hopeless romantic

An Imaginary House by the Sea

Review: An Imaginary House by the Sea

We support our fellow romance pioneers One of our lovely comrades over at The Page Girls (fight the good fight, girls), Cecily Gates, was kind enough to send me a copy of her debut novel, An Imaginary House by the Sea, the first of a series of novels set in Bridgeport. I have to say, […]

Writing Exercise: Flexing your writing muscles

What do you think of when I say “Fanfic”? Neville Longbottom acting out stories about himself at the Fringe, perhaps? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtJAqSbzyKw No? Maybe you think of the ridiculous success that Fifty Shades of Grey turned into after starting as a humble fanfic for another surprising best-seller? What am I getting at here? Fanfic doesn’t have […]

Review: Northanger Abbey

Good Ol’ Jane Austen I’m leaving the country soon, and I need to send some books home when my family visits next month. Consequently, when it came time to find my next book to review, instead of perusing second hand stores, I looked at my own bookshelf. Last August, I visited Bath with two friends, and there was […]