
Short Break in Vaison-la-Romaine Pt 3

After the tour of Hotel Burrhus, I bid au revoir once again to Laurence and go in search of the Roman bridge that leads to the medieval town. I wind through the Grand Rue, a pedestrian street, past outdoor displays of handmade goods and designer clothes. Parents grasp the sticky hands of children holding cones of gelato, and several people walk their dogs.

Short Break in Vaison-la-Romaine Pt 2

So often sleeping in a hotel bed is uncomfortable, but not at Hotel Burrhus: I have no back-ache this morning, and I rise with energy. At the reception, Laurence, the owner, greets me and asks if I would like coffee or tea. She invites me to sit on the deck and enjoy the weather. Outside, the square is full of voices: merchants hawking their wares, tourists haggling with them. “It’s the Tuesday market tomorrow,” Anouchka had told me, eyes glittering. “It’s village-wide. You’ll like it.” From the terrace, I have a bird’s eye view of the canvas roofs over each stall.

Short Break in Vaison-la-Romain Pt 1

The road to Vaison from Orange is narrow and winding. The bus takes us through tree-lined alleyways and past vibrantly green vineyards. For most of the drive, we’ve had a spectacular view: clusters of tan and terracotta buildings—too few to call a town—perched around churches or towers on forested hills.

72 Hours in Biarritz

Here is a daily itinerary for 72 hours in Biarritz, France, the historic surfing town in the Basque region. Originally posted on

Why do I travel?

Do I like to travel? For anyone who knows me, this may seem like a “duh” question. I have spent the last month and a half in four different countries and I’m not heading home for another week. But somebody asked me again the other day: Do you like to travel? And I had to […]

Windermere and the Peter Rabbit Museum

Back in October I Visited the lake district Windermere, to be exact. At 7:45 AM on a Saturday and with a slight hangover, I trudged up the stairs of the bus that was packed with foreign exchange students and travelers leaving their hostels for a day. I picked a seat as close to the front […]

Judy’s Vintage Tea Party

Finally, a post about Edinburgh You may or may not know that I am in Edinburgh, Midlothian (yeah, Richmonders, I live in Midlothian), UK to do a year-long masters course in Creative Writing. I’ve been doing my best to slog through the pre-reading for my course, but I did manage to go out and do […]

Meanwhile, in Wilmington

So I’ve been working. A lot. Which is good and bad. Good because I’m getting tons of experience in costuming & making pretty good money without the time to spend any of it. Bad because I have zero time to spend on anything else (ie blogging, writing, drawing, guitar, crafting and all the other creative […]

Hot Damn, Hotlanta!

A week or two ago, I headed to Atlanta to work on a webseries called “Getting Out“. I had just finished working as a Stylist on a music video by musical artist Sean Cooney down in Savannah, and to keep myself awake driving from Savannah to Atlanta at 4 am for my 9am call time […]

Hometown Tour Pt II: Wilmington’s Arboretum

The other day, I was driving past Wilmington’s Arboretum for about the 12th time after a meeting that ended sooner than expected, so I decided to stop and enjoy the free (!) garden. As I mozied through the unattended gates, I noticed an art class painting the scenery directly to my right. Nice to see […]