
Review: Nadja

Some History I first read this book in the original French when I was writing my undergraduate thesis in French Studies (and my level of comprehension was much better), so re-reading it in English was like remembering a dream (appropriate for a surrealist text, eh?). Surrealism has always intrigued me: its bewildered misogyny, its emphasis […]

72 Hours in Biarritz

Here is a daily itinerary for 72 hours in Biarritz, France, the historic surfing town in the Basque region. Originally posted on

Keren Ann’s Trumpet Player

Before I begin, I just want to apologize for the tardiness of this post. I went to see Keren Ann at the Montreal Jazz Festival (more on that next week) this past Monday night. I had intended to write about her for Music Monday – you know, do what I usually do, write the post […]